Competitor Packing List

What to bring for your week at Sauder Summit:


  • Business attire: suits, blazers, ties, dress shirts, dress pants, dress skirts, appropriate dress shoes.

  • Casual clothes: jeans, casual pants, T-shirts, hoodies, sweaters, comfortable walking footwear & extra socks.

  • Semi-formal dinner gala wear for the Awards Gala

  • Party wear on Tuesday and Friday

  • School branded t-shirt for t-shirt swap

  • Sleepwear (Slippers if preferred)

  • Snowshoeing Attire: Warm non-cotton layers, waterproof jacket and pants, winter appropriate footwear for snowshoeing, toque, mittens.

  • Highly Recommended: Rain jacket, rain boots, and an umbrella

Other Items

  • Passport and money - Canadian dollars or credit cards (for souvenirs, cash bars, etc).

  • 2 pieces of I.D., at least one must be government issued - required for all events where alcohol is served.

  • Valid student I.D. with picture

  • Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, shower products, shavers, gel, hairbrush, cotton pads, etc.

  • Electronics: laptops, cellphones, cameras, chargers, power adapters (Type A/B plugs. 120V), etc.

  • Preparation materials, including books, notes, articles, etc.

  • Office supplies: pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, calculators

  • Optional: school memorabilia to give out to fellow competitors and/or volunteers